Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Short Christmas Break

The good Lady has decided that a Christmas holiday is in order. This decision was made a tad easier by her reception of an invitation, all expenses paid, to address a Conference on the importance of poetry within a context of politics.

I was not surprised that she accepted the invitation. Lady Simone has always believed that a politician skilled in the knowledge of poetry would be a far more effective server of the public than one from a background in the law or worse, political science -- to her an oxymoron.

She has entitled her address, riffing on Alexander Pope, "Poetry is Politics, to best Advantage dressed / What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed."

The fact that the Conference is in Honolulu I'm sure did not affect the Lady's decision to give the paper.

On the other hand, given Toronto's slow recovery from a vicious ice storm, perhaps the decision was affected just a teeny little bit.

The Lady will be back in form next week.

-- The Editor.

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