Thursday, May 22, 2014

Dancing With Iranian Stars

The Internet is turning out to be some kind of massive electronic vacuum cleaner, scooping up everything in its sight, from the trivial (cats being cute) to the inane (anything involving the Kardashians) to the truly interesting (a sound analysis of Bell's Theorem and Alain Aspect's proof).*

Then there is the unusual.

One of the sources drawn upon by the Internet is You Tube, and there we find a short film of three girls dancing with happiness. Nothing outré there, but then we discover that these girls are Iranian, and are cavorting gaily about sans niquab or hijab. Very touching. Very honest. Not that they rival Isadora Duncan or Anna Pavlova, but that's not the point. They were having FUN, and expressing happiness.

This activity, of course, drew the attention of the mullahs who arbitrate such goings on, and the three were quickly arrested and imprisoned. The speed at which this occurred gives a new meaning to the term "flashdance".

Now it gets interesting. The President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, reviewed all this, and focussed particularly on the girls' motivation. They indicated they were not trying to overthrow the state, nor to disparage Islam; rather they wanted to express happiness by dancing, and this was easier done when not hampered by overly restrictive clothing.

Rouhani ordered their release, making the point that Islam has no quarrel with attempts to be happy. This infuriated the mullahs, who in their bleak lives find happiness to be a total stranger. As well, they saw the action as an attack on the Islamic "new order" of the glorious state of Iran.

Upon reading this, I immediately sent to the Chief Mullah the words inscribed on the Franklin Roosevelt Memorial:

They who seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual this a new order. It is not new, and it is not order.

So there. And good on Hassan Rouhani.


* The Lady tends to think everyone has read what she has, something not the case.What Bell and Aspect are on about is what Einstein referred to as "Spooky action at a distance." Check it out. -- Ed.


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